Saturday, December 14, 2013

You asked...We answered...

When reading through some magazines a question asked by a reader popped out...This readers question was "My hair has turned to straw! How can I get it soft and shiny again?"

The answer mentioned a few things but one thing was buying an ammonia-free home kit. They mentioned how most hair dyes contain ammonia which could cause your hair to feel like the person described...

BUT... If the question above is something you've been thinking, talk to us! There are a lot of options for you that you can either do in the salon or products you can go home with that will help fight against all those issues.

Being a Paul Mitchell Focus Salon we have great solutions at our fingertips! Our stylists have the perfect prescription for any guests who's strands are in need of some extra attention.

Paul Mitchell The Color is the lowest ammonia permanent hair color on the market. We also offer Shines and Shines XG semi permanent hair color lines that are ammonia free! Not only do we have great color lines at our fingertips, our stylists can tailor your color according to your needs.

For example if you need permanent hair color to cover your grays, your ends don't have to have that too! Your ends could have Shines or Shines XG that will give them the color you're looking for with a gorgeous shine!

Are you thinking to yourself..."I don't need my hair colored but that question applies to me too?"...Have no fear, your stylist is here! Why not try a Clear Shines Treatment which can be paired with a haircut or experienced alone. It will give your hair the shine you've lost and make your hair turn heads in no time!

Have any other hair questions that you want answers to? Ask away!

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